When to Take Your Cat to the Emergency Veterinary Hospital

cat-emergencyLike all other pets, there are certain illnesses that are more common in cats than in other species. When in doubt, bring your pet to your local Dartmouth emergency vet for a check-up or evaluation. Some illnesses might not seem very significant at first glance, but can actually be very serious. While some emergencies are obvious and can come on very suddenly, other illnesses can progress slowly and exhibit almost undetectable symptoms to the untrained eye.

Unfortunately, many pet owners feel bad when they find out that their pet had actually been sick for weeks or months prior to catching it at the Southeastern Massachusetts veterinarian. The more you can learn about common cat illnesses and if you bring your pet in frequently for well check-ups, you can avoid missing something important to your cat’s well being. New Bedford pet owners and pet owners all throughout the South Coast area can bring their pets to Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth.

Bathroom Issues
Particularly in the case of male cats, urinary problems can quickly become a crisis. Urinary obstruction can be fatal if not treated. This can happen in both male and female cats, however it is most common in females. Cats endure extreme pain and can rapidly progress to kidney failure. Other issues include bladder rupture or high potassium levels in the blood, which can lead to cardiac arrest. Symptoms include excessive genital grooming, only small quantities of urine or vocalizing while urinating.

Breathing Issues
If you ever at any time have a pet that is experiencing breathing issues, get them to the emergency veterinary hospital right away. Without oxygen, death can occur within three minutes, so if your cat is having problems breathing, make sure to get them to the Dartmouth emergency vet right away. Cats that are breathing with their mouths open, wheezing, coughing or making any unusual respiratory noises should all be taken directly to the vet.

Eating Habits
If your pet’s eating habits suddenly change, it could be a sign that something is wrong. It just isn’t normal for a cat to go an entire day without eating. This can be a sign of diabetes, kidney failure or some type of obstruction in the intestines, as well as other major health problems. Contact your veterinarian right away.

If your cat seems unusually lethargic, as in hiding or lying still for a long period of time without reacting to normal stimuli, such as toys, can openers, other people, dogs, etc. you may need to quickly take them to the emergency veterinary hospital. If your cat just collapses in front of you and seems to pass out or just fall down from sheer exhaustion, bring him directly into the vet.

How do you know when your pet is in pain? They can’t tell you, so you need to be aware. Any type of pain should result in New Bedford pet owners bringing their cat directly in to see the Southeastern Massachusetts veterinarian. Pain can be a symptom of many things, such as urinary obstructions, broken limbs, aortic thromboembolism and other serious conditions. Pain in a cat can be displayed in any different ways, such as panting, vocalizing and perceived overreactions to contact with a particular area of the body. Sometimes even hiding can be a symptom of pain, so learn to watch your cat carefully and learn their behaviors.

There is a type of heart disease that can happen to cats that is known as aortic thromboembolism or ATE for short. This is a complication in which a blood clot lodges in the rear legs of the cat and can cause sudden paralysis. Cats suffering from this will also display pain symptoms, such as panting, vocalizing and extreme distress. Any of these symptoms should result in an immediate trip to the local emergency veterinary hospital.

Toxin Ingestion
If your cat gets into a toxic substance or nibbles on a toxic plant, they need treatment right away. In fact, the faster you can get your pet into your Southeastern Massachusetts veterinarian, the better their chances will be.

Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
If your cat starts vomiting and especially if there is blood present, you should take your pet to the emergency veterinary hospital right away. While most cats will get sick occasionally or have soft stools that don’t really constitute as “diarrhea” per say, if your cat is vomiting profusely, you should take them directly to your Dartmouth emergency vet. If you aren’t sure, go ahead and give Anchor Animal Hospital a call direct and describe your cat’s symptoms.

When in Doubt Call Anchor Animal Hospital
If your cat exhibits any symptoms or behaviors that are not normal, either bring them into the Dartmouth emergency vet at Anchor Animal Hospital or give us a call at 508-996-3731. We have been providing top quality veterinary care to area pets for over 40 years. Our team is highly trained in emergency veterinary, surgical and a variety of specialized treatments. Give us a call to ask a question about your pet, our services or to schedule an appointment.