Pocket Pets: Veterinary Care and Services for Small Mammals
It is not always easy for pet owners in Southeastern Massachusetts to find a clinic that would give medical treatment for tiny mammals, sometimes known as pocket pets, despite the growing popularity of such critters across the United States. Although not all of these creatures are tiny enough to fit in your pocket, we nonetheless classify them as such. Veterinary care for tiny rodents is only one of many services offered by Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth. Rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, rats, gerbils, hedgehogs, and many more tiny animals are among those we see by appointment.
Pet Owners in Southeastern Massachusetts
We are able to treat little rodents and small animals as pets because we have numerous doctors on staff who have devoted their careers to learning as much as they can about treating such tiny patients. In order to better serve the owners of exotic pets in Southeastern Massachusetts, we have invested in specialist equipment. If you need veterinary assistance for your tiny animal, bring it to our clinic where we have the necessary housing, food supplies, anesthetic equipment, specific drugs, and physicians who are trained in collecting blood.
We are pleased to provide veterinary services for small rodents and animals in addition to those for cats and dogs. However, there are some species of pets that we are unable to treat. Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth has a diverse clientele, however there are some exotic pets that cannot be seen there for legal or safety concerns. These creatures range from monkeys to insects to poisonous snakes to monitor lizards to ducks to raptors. If you ever find yourself in need of the services of a wildlife rehabilitation center, our website features a comprehensive FAQ directory of such centers.
Veterinary Care and Services
The most important pieces of information you can get about taking care of tiny animals or small rodents as pets are those pertaining to their diet and environment. If you aren’t meeting the specialized dietary, housing, environmental, and hygienic demands of these creatures, they may become seriously ill very rapidly. The veterinary team I work with is certain that the nutrition of these popular exotic pets is at the root of many of their medical problems. If your pet is unwell, we’ll help you come up with a plan for feeding them that can speed up their recovery, including any vitamins or medications they may need.
A long and healthy life for your pet is possible with proper veterinary care, even for tiny mammals, rodents, and exotics. We can discuss your pet’s individual dietary needs and come up with the best plan of action. We have the entire assortment of Oxbow Products, such as rabbit and guinea pig hay, feed, vitamin C pills, and papaya tablets. We also have carnivore and herbivore Oxbow Critical Care products that may be safely used with tiny rodents kept as pets. Our veterinarians will also spend time with you to ensure that your pet has suitable living quarters. Changing your environment even little may have a profound effect on your life.
Visit Our Dartmouth Animal Hospital
Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth is staffed by people that share your passion for your pet. Together, you and our team of highly qualified and experienced veterinarians can give your pet the best possible care and treatment. At our animal hospital, we welcome pets of all ages and health conditions. Anchor Animal Hospital is looking forward to meeting new clients and forming lasting relationships with the pet owners in Southeastern Massachusetts. Get in touch with us if you need to set up an appointment for veterinary services for your small rodents, cats, dogs, or exotics.
In order to spend more time with your pet at your appointment, we recommend filling out our New Client Form in advance online. If you want things to go even more smoothly for you and your pet, you may also consult our “What to Bring With You” advice. Learn more about the payment methods we accept and what to anticipate when you visit our Dartmouth animal hospital by reading about them here. Call us at 508-996-3731 if you have any inquiries about our services or would want to set up an initial consultation.