NEW Seasonal Pet Tips for Dartmouth Pet Owners in the Fall

Fall Pet Tips - Vet Care in Dartmouth, MAAt Anchor Animal Hospital we like to provide our clients with seasonal pet tips and helpful hints throughout the year that they can use to create a healthier and happy life for their pets. As the seasons change, pet owners in the New England region have to be ready to adapt their approach in order to meet the needs of their pets. Cats, dogs, small animals, birds, and reptiles all have different needs between summer and fall. While we enjoy the gorgeous autumn leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, we should also be looking at new ways to ensure that our pets have a safe and healthy season as well.

Your Pet Might Need More Food

Did you know that pets can have an increased need for food to prepare for cooler weather? We often notice the shedding of that winter coat in the spring, but rarely realize that our pets are busy establishing a warm layer in the fall. Just be careful not to overdo it. There is a growing rate of overweight and obese dogs and cats in this country, so it is important to work with your local Dartmouth vet hospital to determine the best feeding schedule for your pet. Active dogs and working dogs that spend a great deal of time outdoors may benefit from up to a 10 percent increase in calories that come from a healthy, well-balanced diet. Schedule a veterinary check-up at Anchor Animal Hospital to determine if your pet needs any type of dietary change to help them be more healthy throughout the year.

Consider Your Fall Activities

If you have children that are going back to school or you are getting involved in new seasonal activities, it pays to consider how this might affect your pet. Children who spent a lot of time caring for and loving on a pet during summer vacation are suddenly gone for many hours each day. After school activities and sports can cause even more time away from home. Consider your pet’s feelings and try to give them as much attention as you can when you are present. Increase neighborhood walks or trips to the dog park as a way of providing the interaction they need to avoid bad behavior or depression, which are common this time of year. Our emergency veterinary hospital treats many pets who get themselves into trouble due to behavioral problems this time of year. We can provide you with more tips relevant to your pet’s specific needs when you schedule a veterinary check-up appointment.

Prevent Toxic Situations

The fall season also brings lots of products that can be toxic to pets. From school supplies like glue and scented markers to household cleaning products, it is important to make sure that you keep these items up and away from pets. Symptoms of ingestion can range from a simple upset stomach to serious blockages within your pet’s GI tract. In some cases, pets may require surgery to have things removed. Snack foods that are commonly purchased this time of year can be dangerous. Be particularly careful with candies, chocolates, foods with high salt or fat content, and meat bones or trimmings from family gatherings. While these may seem less harmful than cleaning products and chemicals, they can be seriously dangerous to most pets. Anti-freeze coolant and other automotive chemicals commonly used this time of year should be kept in a locked cabinet to prevent pets and children from access.

Garden Variety Hazards

Preparing your yard for the winter season is a common activity in New England. Mowing down lawns or spraying weed killer and insecticide are just some of the things that homeowners do each fall. Seed, fertilizer, and other gardening materials are also commonly used this time of year. Make sure to keep all landscaping tools, products, and materials away from the reach of pets. Some of them may smell interesting to cats and dogs, causing them to lick or eat products and residue of products, which can make them extremely sick. Depending on the amount of product that they are exposed to, it can even cause death. Keep an eye out for wild mushrooms in your yard and garden as well. While most are non-toxic, some are extremely dangerous. Symptoms of poison mushroom exposure include vomiting, dehydration, fever, bloody diarrhea, and elevated heart rates. If not treated at an emergency veterinary hospital, kidney and liver failure could result in death within 3-7 days.

Treat for Pests

If your pet spends time outdoors, speak with your Dartmouth vet hospital about getting a flea and tick treatment during your regular veterinary check-up. Just because the weather is getting cooler does not mean that pests go away. Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can be dangerous for humans too, so it pays to keep every member of your family safe by engaging in thorough preventive treatment for fleas and ticks in New England. This is one of the most important seasonal pet tips because it is such a common problem for most pet owners in the Southcoast region.

Schedule a Check-up at Anchor
Is your pet due for a veterinary check-up? Want to learn more about our emergency veterinary hospital? Give us a call at 508-996-3731 and speak with one of our team members about your pet and situation. We can schedule a check-up at our Dartmouth vet hospital or answer any questions that you might have about our services. Call today to prepare your pet for the coming fall season to keep him happy and healthy all year long.