Bring Your Cat for a Vet Check at Dartmouth Animal Hospital
When most people think about bringing a pet in for a check-up at the local animal hospital in Dartmouth, they will often think about pet owners bringing in dogs more than cats. Cats can be difficult to bring in for check-ups, as many people keep them as outdoor pets or don’t want to have to deal with the transportation of the cat to the Dartmouth animal hospital. The truth is that Anchor Animal Hospital provides vet care for cats and dogs, as well as exotic and pocket pets. We see all types of animals with many different personalities and temperaments, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t bring your cat in for a regular vet check to make sure that she is healthy or to take care of her when she is sick.
The Transportation Issue
Cat carriers are available at local pet stores, big box stores and from online retailers. There are many different styles that have been designed to accommodate the preferences of your cat. For example, if your cat does not like to visit the emergency veterinary hospital via a traditional plastic cat carrier, you can use a “duffel bag” style cloth bag that is very popular with cat owners today or some other form of transportation. Cat carriers are necessary for the best interest of the cat. Not only will it make transporting your pet in your car safer for everyone involved, but it will also protect your cat from dogs in the waiting room at your local Dartmouth animal hospital.
- Set up the cat carrier at home in a comfortable spot. Put a favorite blanket or cat bed inside. Sprinkle a couple of treats inside of the carrier and just leave it for your cat to explore. The more she sees the carrier as a “safe” and comfortable place to be, the less you will have to fight her on the day of your appointment at Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth.
- Choose the cat carrier that is best for your pet. Some people prefer hard plastic, while others prefer soft sided carriers. For quick loading and unloading, a top-loading and side-loading carrier is suggested. The top-loading opening will also allow your vet to examine your cat before she is removed from the carrier at the emergency veterinary hospital, causing the least amount of stress to your cat.
- Make going for a car ride a familiar thing and do it on a regular basis. Start by taking short trips around the block or to fetch the mail. Then go on longer trips, working your way up to the amount of travel required to get to your local Dartmouth animal hospital. By taking your cat to places other than the vet’s office, you will eliminate the stress that can easily be associated with the carrier and going for an exam.
Keeping Calm for Kitty
During your travels and once you arrive at Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth, it is your ability to keep the situation calm that will make it the best possible experience for your cat. Because most offices provide vet care for cats and dogs, it is important that you do not enter with any anxieties about the other veterinary patients that might be in the waiting room. Find a comfortable spot for you and your cat to sit and wait for your appointment away from dogs and small children. If there are no dog-free options available, just keep as calm as you can and speak reassuringly to your cat to help keep her calm. If you are upset, kitty will be upset too and the rest of the exam at the emergency veterinary hospital will be stressful.
If the trip to your local Dartmouth animal hospital is extremely stressful for your cat, speak with your veterinarian about things that you can do to make future visits easier on your cat. Sometimes anti-anxiety medications can be given in extreme cases, however your vet will likely have specific tips for your cat that you can employ to make things more calm and less stressful. Using treats as a reward for good behavior, giving verbal praise and doing other activities that your cat enjoys, such as scratching ears, massaging her back or playing with toys can help too.
Why Vet Visits are Important
It is important to bring your cat into Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth on at least a yearly basis for check-ups to make sure that she is in good health. This applies to both indoor and outdoor pets. Outdoor cats are more susceptible to pests, infection, disease and parasites simply because they have more opportunity for exposure. However, it is important to realize that just because your cat is always indoors doesn’t mean that she can’t be exposed to potentially problematic situations. Taking your cat for a check-up at your local Dartmouth animal hospital can help you to stay on top of small issues before they become big problems.
If you want to schedule an appointment for vet care for cats and dogs at Anchor Animal Hospital in Dartmouth, just give us a call at 508-996-3731. Our staff has been taking care of local animals in the South Coast region since 1975. We provide veterinary care and emergency veterinary hospital services for dogs, cats, rabbits, pocket pets, exotic animals and more. Give us a call to learn more about the services we provide.